It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 7th Annual Meeting of the Research Network on Economic Experiments for the Common Agricultural Policy (REECAP) which is being organised by the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig and will take place in Leipzig, Germany, from 2-5 June 2025.
The Research Network on Economic Experiments for the Common Agricultural Policy (REECAP) is an EU-wide network founded in 2017. It aims at bringing together researchers, experts and policy-makers interested in the use of economic experimental approaches to evaluate and improve the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). More information about REECAP, please visit
Theme and topics of interests:
The annual meeting’s objective is to strengthen and enlarge the REECAP community and disseminate research and policy advice in the field of agricultural policy. We will accept contributions from the fields of behavioural and experimental agricultural economics (finished or work-in-progress) focused on CAP, biodiversity on agricultural landscapes, or related food systems policies. Specifically, we invite:
- Applications of experimental methods to agricultural and agri-environmental themes: laboratory, field, lab-in-the-field, randomized controlled trials (RCT), discrete choice experiments (DCE);
- Quasi-experimental work in the field of agricultural economics and agri-environmental policy and agri-food business economics with clear links to policy questions;
- Work using behavioral insights or economic psychology to improve food, agricultural, and agri-environmental policies;
- Experimental designs.
The congress will take place over four days. Day 1 will feature workshops on choice experiments and living labs. Days 2 and 3 will include parallel sessions and keynote presentations, while Day 4 will conclude with an excursion to an experimental field station.
Keynotes will be given by Ulf Liebe and Sven Anders.
Early Carrer Researcher Award:
REECAP will award a Prize to the best contribution by an early career researcher. Eligible contributions should have, as a lead author, a researcher who has not yet earned his or her PhD or who has completed it in 2023 or later and have not obtained the award in previous editions. The selection process will be made by the members of the Scientific Committee of the REECAP Workshop and a representative of the REECAP board who will act as Chair of the Award Committee. The contributions will be assessed based on presentation during the conference (full paper submission is not required). The assessment will account for three criteria: scientific merit, policy relevance, and clarity and structure of the presentation. The winner will be announced at the closing ceremony of the workshop and the decision disseminated via the REECAP Blog and newsletter. The award will consist of a certificate and an invitation to present the paper at a REECAP Webinar. After the webinar, the winner can consult the full manuscript with two selected members of the REECAP board, and receive free feedback on the full papers before its submission to a journal.